What Do We Really Know About the Great Pyramid of Giza? Here are the Latest Discoveries


The pyramids of Egypt are considered to be one of the world’s biggest mysteries. After centuries of research, experts still can’t confirm how they were made. And every now and then, there is always something new to be discovered about the pyramids.

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Archeologists have managed to solve some things about these mysterious structures. But it seems like the centuries worth of research were just a scratch on the surface. Read on to find the incredible discoveries and interesting facts about the ancient pyramids of Giza.

The pyramid was not built by slaves

Movies and TV shows have depicted that the pyramids were built by slaves. It’s a theory that has been going on for a long time until 2010 when it was discovered that the pyramids were actually built by paid workers.

During an expedition, archaeologists found tombs of the pyramid workers. Their bodies were well-preserved in sand and they were buried with bread and beer for the afterlife. It was an indication that these workers were highly respected for building the pyramids.

The only surviving ancient wonder of the world

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. The rest are the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Myth Colossus of Rhodes, The Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum at Halicamassus, and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia.

Among those seven ancient wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one that is still standing to this day. The pyramid had stood the test of time. It has not been brought down by earthquakes and other natural calamities.

The Great Pyramid has more than four sides

When people look at the Great Pyramid, it is a common assumption that it has four sides. It definitely looks that way if you are viewing it from the ground. But the aerial view of the Great Pyramid tells a different story. From the top, the Great Pyramid has eight sides.

Experts believed that it was built this way so that the stone blocks will not shift out of place. Others say erosion caused the other four sides. Among the two theories, the first one is more embraced since the division into eight sides is very precise.

The Great Pyramid has a hidden door

From the outside, it looks like a mystery how people entered the Great Pyramid. But it actually has a door – the only thing is that it is hidden from the outside and it can only open from the inside.

The doors are very heavy – it weighs 20 tons. But despite its weight, it can be moved with just a single hand and with minimal effort. This is because the doors were created with balance and precision. Until now nobody knows how they managed to make this door.

It is not hot inside the Great Pyramid

Ever wonder what it’s like to be inside the Great Pyramid? Most people think it is hot inside and add to that the narrow passageways that you have to maneuver – it’s a claustrophobic nightmare. But despite’s Egypt’s hot weather, the chambers are surprisingly cool.


This is thanks to the numerous air shafts in the pyramid. All of these shafts lead to the pharaoh’s chamber. In fact, the mysterious thing is that no matter how hot it is outside, the chambers remain cool at 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

There is a maze of tunnels below the pyramids

The mystery of the pyramids is not limited to the surface – underground, there is a labyrinth and to this day, the whole thing has not been totally explored yet. The intricate tunnel system is made out of limestone.

Every path of the underground labyrinth leads to a new discovery like the different ancient texts that were found to be about 55 miles south of Cairo underneath the city of Hawara. Some are dead ends while some go on for great distances.

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