Man Claims He Visited Another Planet – He Says: “I Brought Objects From The Planet To Prove It”

Man Claims He Visited Another Planet - He Says: "I Brought Objects From The Planet To Prove It" @Origins Explained/YoutubeMan Claims He Visited Another Planet – He Says: “I Brought Objects From The Planet To Prove It” @Origins Explained/Youtube

This is the story of Merriview, a small town that got the shock of its life when a man named Roland Redding showed up.

Small towns are easily shocked, and there are millions of them, all with their own secrets.

And the secrets we have here are nothing compared to what hides out there. 

1. The Town of Merriview

The town of Merriview was a town like any other in the South: lots of gossip, churchgoing, football games, community, and good food.

Sheriff Grady Roberts was in charge of Merriview, and he and his deputies kept the town orderly, though there wasn’t a lot to worry about, aside from the occasional drunk driver or argument at the local tavern.

The Town of Merriview ©Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.comThe Town of Merriview ©Sean Pavone/

That is until Roland Redding came to town.

2. Grady Roberts Dozes Off

It was a hot day in Merriview, and, though no one would admit it, they wanted to trade the town’s blue skies for a nasty, pouring thunderstorm to cool everybody off.

Grady Roberts sat at his desk, radio on his belt, hoping no calls would come in. It was too lazy and hazy out for crime, and he already had his three deputies, John, Sam, and Jacob, out patrolling in their cars.

Grady Roberts Dozes Off ©Jeff Baumgart/Shutterstock.comGrady Roberts Dozes Off ©Jeff Baumgart/

Roberts felt himself doze at his desk, sinking into a daydreamy slumber when his radio squawked.

3. Jacob Radios In

The fact that the call came over the radio and not the phone made Grady instantly alert. That meant it was one of his men. He sat up, immediately saying, “Go ahead,” into the walkie.

“Hey.” It was Jacob. “Sheriff, we have a guy just outside the town who’s broken down. He says he was just passing through, but he doesn’t look too good.”

Jacob Radios In ©Yevhen Prozhyrko/Shutterstock.comJacob Radios In ©Yevhen Prozhyrko/

Merriview was off the beaten path; people didn’t just “pass through.” “Go on,” Grady said.

4. Someone Needs Medical

“I think he needs medical, I’m going to take him.”

The closest major hospital was half an hour away from Merriview, but the town did have a sizable medical clinic that could handle most things. The clinic was run by Grady’s wife, Marianne, and she ran a tight ship.

Someone Needs Medical ©Ground Picture/Shutterstock.comSomeone Needs Medical ©Ground Picture/

“Don’t take the ambulance,” Grady said, “It’s faster in your car. I’ll meet you there.”

5. Grady Leaves The Office

The town had one ambulance, and Grady didn’t want it driven through the swampy outskirts of Merriview unless it was absolutely necessary. Kids, pregnant women, the elderly…this stranger was none of those, so he’d prefer Jacob take him.

He stood up, groaning at the slight pain in his back that reminded him he wasn’t as young as he used to be.

Grady Leaves The Office ©Salamahin/Shutterstock.comGrady Leaves The Office ©Salamahin/

Grady snapped on his Sheriff’s hat and headed out the door.

6. Something’s Coming

Something was coming.

Though the sky was still a hazy blue, he could smell rain, and Grady bet that storm clouds would roll in during the afternoon. Heading to his cruiser, he finally felt hopeful that the oppressive June heat would break.

Something’s Coming ©alb2018/Shutterstock.comSomething’s Coming ©alb2018/

Merriview was a beautiful town, all of the quaint homes surrounded by lush lawns and plenty of sidewalks. As he drove in his cruiser, he waved to anyone he passed; he’d known most of them his whole life.

7. Johnny Sings

He set the radio volume to low as he drove, keeping it quiet enough so that he could hear anything outside the car, but loud enough that he could hear Johnny Cash on WPXM 5. As he drove, Grady tapped his fingers to “Don’t Take Your Guns to Town.”

As he drove through streets shaded with trees, he saw Pastor Michaels standing out in front of the town church.

Johnny Sings ©Joos/Shutterstock.comJohnny Sings ©Joos/

He was staring up at the sky, a confused expression on his face.

8. Pastor Michaels Says Hello

Though Grady knew he had to get to Marianne’s clinic to meet Jacob and the mystery stranger, he pulled his Vic over to the side of Main Street. Sunlight bounced off the white church, and the cross atop seemed to glow of its own accord.

“How’s it going, Pastor?” Grady asked.

Pastor Michaels Says Hello ©ButtermilkgirlVirginia/Shutterstock.comPastor Michaels Says Hello ©ButtermilkgirlVirginia/

Pastor Ron Michaels jumped as though startled. A bead of sweat shone on his forehead, darkening his gray hairline. “Alright. Just wondering when this storm will hit.”

9. Ron Looks Up

Ron was staring so intensely upwards, Grady hoped the man wouldn’t have a heart attack.

He’d always been a thoughtful person, which was, of course, what you wanted from a pastor. Though some talked down on Pastor Ron for his sensitivity, most of the town loved him. The man was whip-smart, too.

Ron Looks Up ©KDdesignphoto/Shutterstock.comRon Looks Up ©KDdesignphoto/

So, seeing him concerned made Grady feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

10. Grady Gives Ron Some Advice

“Nobody’s told you not to look at the sun, Pastor?”

Grady’s tone was lighthearted, but there was an undercurrent of concern to it. He wanted Ron to stop this staring up at the sky, as it was giving him the heebie-jeebies.

Grady Gives Ron Some Advice ©macrostudio99/Shutterstock.comGrady Gives Ron Some Advice ©macrostudio99/

“No, I suppose not,” Ron said, seeming distracted. Grady thought of another joke to say, but cut himself off as Ron went to add something else, mouth open to speak.

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