Even More Signs That You Just Have to See

December 20, 2023

Once upon a time, we published an article with the funniest signs we found on the internet. Then, a lovely princess stumbled upon this article, had a great laugh, and asked us for another one. We were happy to oblige. The princess was happy and all was well. Well, until she asked for a third one, that is.

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We hope it’s clear that you are the princess in this story. (You’re welcome on living your royal fantasy.) We also hope you’ll enjoy this installment as much as you did the previous two.

A Humerus Sign

This list features quite a few signs that property owners have put on their land to ward off any unwanted visitors. This, however, is the only sign that uses the visitors’ remains to get the message across. We don’t have a bone to pick with this sign; it’s great. This person clearly loves his privacy and that’s exactly what he will get after people see this sign.


Yes, we probably think the bones are from the animals that died on his land and he just piled them up there as a joke. However, we are not willing to take that chance to find out if those bones are real or are actually from past trespassers.


Add Some Sprinkles on Top

We don’t want to add insult to injury, but if you lean on that barrier you will be adding insult to your own injury and you will have no one to blame but yourself and your poor reading skills. We can imagine the embarrassment one would feel when leaning against that and then falling.


But, triggering the sprinkler system and getting wet after falling would be the icing on the cake. Good luck getting up off the floor when you’re both bruised and wet. Good thing that sign is there because we couldn’t imagine going normally about your day after such an incident.

This Sign Cost an Arm, Not a Leg

Workplaces can be dangerous. Sure, your computer probably won’t kill you, but anyone who works with power tools or heavy machinery needs to be a little more careful than the average office worker. That is why there are so many signs warning employees of potential hazards in factories and such.


This sign takes the cake and if we saw it, we would be extra cautious around that machine. We want to go home with all of our body parts and just looking at this sign shows us they will be severed into six different pieces. Good luck playing catch with your child if you fail to follow this sign.

I’m a Peacock You’ve Got to Let Me Fly

Don’t judge a book by its feathers. Just because something has a beautiful, colorful plumage, doesn’t mean it wants to be your friend. While peacocks are adorable and one of the prettiest birds in the animal kingdom, that doesn’t mean that they won’t defend their territory.


When feeling threatened, they will absolutely unleash all hell on you and everything you stand for. Their pecks will hurt and they can draw blood. We wonder how many people got attacked before this zoo had to put up sign warning guests to avoid approaching the precocious peacock. Our guess is above one, but below a lot.

Stolen Valor

If you have ever traveled to South East Asia, you are bound to run into a few monks. Usually with a shaved head and wearing traditional robes in bright orange, they may be asking for donations or trying to help you, but beware, not all is as it seems.

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This sign was posted to warn people about the FAKE Monks in the area. We don’t condone anyone who steals an identity to make a profit off of others. You’ve been warned! So, if you see this sign and a monk in the area, remember they may not be who they say they are.

Cleaning Up Your Mess

The war between graffiti artists and city councils is a long, drawn-out affair full of layers of paint. Any city dwellers can tell you that. City councils hate cleaning up graffiti, but we hope they laughed when they saw this one; we know we did.

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We can only imagine what the tagger was thinking when they walked past this and the “I have an idea!” lightbulb flashed over their head. We don’t condone defacing public property, but if you do, try to make the city council laugh. This is one of the very rare occasions where adding to the mess makes it better!

Collecting for Cellists?

We love a good threat sign as much as the next person; “Beware of Dog” signs are one of our favorites, however, we don’t think this sign can follow through on its threats. One major loophole is they never specify which players they’re referring to, or even if they have to play a sport of any kind.

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They could be playing Romeo in a community theater production of “Romeo and Juliet”. They could be playing an instrument too! So as long as you play something and consider yourself a player you can collect all the golf balls you want. Happy collecting to all you cellists out there.

Grandma’s Unleashed

It’s no surprise why this family decided to put up a “Beware of Grandma” sign outside their front door; she bit the mailman when they delivered the post the other day. We also saw her barking from the porch when we walked by, and she did her business in the front yard next to the hydrant.

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If you walk by this house beware because that grandma both barks and bites. Also, on an unrelated note, we’d like to know who Axel was and what he did to have his skull respectfully mounted by the gate. Maybe Grandma used to have a guard bull before learning to defend her property?

Three Lefts Make a Right

Sometimes life doesn’t feel like it’s going your way, but this sign is giving us some words of wisdom. Maybe the best course of action would be to stop fighting to get your way and roll with the tides to see where it takes us.

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We never saw a sign that made us think about life that way, and maybe looking at something different is all we need to get out of our rut. Remember if the first left doesn’t work, consider trying another and then another. Then maybe those three lefts will make the right you need in your life.

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